Saturday, January 31, 2009

Confessions of a private blog:)

Not that long ago I was reading my friend Gingers blog and she talked about being real with people and letting people know what is really going on in our lives even the uncomfortable stuff. Thanks Ginger for giving me the courage to do that in my own blog. First of all I had no idea how many of you actually read my blog, it made me laugh when I opened my email on Friday and saw all of you that wanted to be included in the invite. Thanks kind of made my day after a really crappy one.

Anyways most of you left lots of comments asking if everything was ok since the blog is going private and some of you have gotten texts from me saying we have changed our numbers. Well here is the short and sweet of what is happening. I am going to try and explain this with out airing out all my families dirty laundry.

The basics are this: Last November my dad and Cliff went to an auction here in town and found the great house we have been working on for the last month. Cliff and I still didn't have the money for the down payment of the house so my dad made us a deal. He paid cash for the house and then at the end of march he said I will turn around and sell it to you guys. So as most of you know we have been working our "ASSES" off on this house. (Excuse the profanity) Well my dad has been going through a really rough year. He lost his wife and job in a matter of about five months. So he is not doing very well mentally. The other night we had a really BIG fight with him and basically he has taken the house from us, the vehicle he was letting us borrow and never wants to see us again. I am giving you the very short and edited version of this, but that is the jest. We have been through this type of thing with my dad in the past but this time it was much more extreme and we have decided that we have to protect our family and cut ties until he gets some help. Please pray for us right now and for my dad especially. He really has been through a lot and has a lot to work out in his own life. I felt the need to explain to you because you all are our family. You read my blog and wonder how the house is going and I couldn't just not say something about the last few days of our lives. And you will all wonder why I suddenly stopped posting our progress on our "his" house.

God has been so unbelievably faithful in the last 72 hours. He has revealed many things to us that we would have otherwise not known and his timing is perfect. We still have a place to live and have people that are in Vegas that are supporting us and all of you who have called to check on me or left me emails of encouragement. Thank you so much. Most of you know that my world doesn't go to long without some kind of drama and we are pretty resilant. We will work through this I have the upmost faith that God will work this out.

Continue to pray for my dad that he will get professional help and that he will not walk away from his family for good.

I love you all. Thank you for reading my blog even if it is a pain in the butt and you have to sign in now.


choral_composer said...


y'all are in my prayers!!!

Drop me an email or call me with your new numbers - I can't wait to see you in a few weeks and love on the both of you

Ginger said...

Sorry, you guys. Family strife is so freaking tough. Believe me. I know.
Please let me know how I can help.
Love you.

wendy said...

Sorry to hear about that you guys will be in my prayers for sure. God has a special plan for your family. I have a saying "Anytime you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!!!

Molly Betsy @ Star Cottage said...

Wow Diedra, I must have missed this post. I just found it today. That explains alot. I totally thought you must have had a stalker and went private. This is way more heartbreaking. We will be praying for the restoration of your Dad and for you guys as a family. You are one tough cookie. So glad you told us, now we know how to pray. Jesus is so faithful.