Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mitchell family update

Ok so I know I have not posted since before Christmas and this will be a boring one. So here goes. First of all we had a great Christmas and a very laid back New Years. Cliff was asleep by 10:30 I was asleep by 11:00 I know we are getting old. In our defense though we finally got the keys to our new house and we knew that Cliff had off on New Years Day so we needed to get some things done on it.
Our "BIG" project has begun. Fortunately our house that we bought at auction and I never saw before we bought it is great in a lot of ways. It has some really sweet little details but the ceilings are covered in popcorn and every wall surface needs to be painted. So in one weekend and a day we have scraped the ceilings of the following rooms:
three bedrooms including all three closets, the hall way and two more closets. We really have only worked half days with Zack it is kind of hard. But thanks to my sister we have been able to bust a move while we are there because she has watched Zack for us. Ok so that is the living space we have worked on we have also pulled down an entire wall that was put up by the last owner illegally so they wouldn't have to have a permit. They made the garage into another room. So we ripped that down and are working on getting out all the nails so we can use the wood some where else along the road.

Now for the list of things that need to be completed before we move in:

Scrape dining room and living room ceilings.
Retexture all the ceilings in the whole house.
Paint every wall and ceiling in the whole house. FYI Zack will have a chalk board road that he can draw on all the way around his new car room.
Put up tracks for the garage door opener.
Dig up back yard rocks and put them in the front yard. Remove cactus that is growing out of control in the back yard. Any advice how to that would be greatly appreciative.
After rocks are gone in the back yard dig dirt down about two feet. Long story why but someday I will post pictures and to explain why. Basically it is the cheaper then building a higher fence and for the safety of Zacky.
Oh yea we have to pick paint colors for every surface of our house. YIKES!!!!!!!!!

Well that is probably the short version. I have to be over there tomorrow from like 8am- 5 or until the gas people get there and those are the hours they gave us. Knowing my luck it won't be until five. But that is ok I have alot of rocks to scoop and move to the front yard.

Well that is what we have been up to and what we will be up to for the next few months probably. I am very anxious and excited about this place it is adorable. Oh and so far we have really nice neighbors three of them have stopped by the introduce themselves and welcome us to the neighborhood. I feel so safe.

I hope you all had an amazing holiday and that God will bless you beyond belief in 2009.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to home ownership sister. Let the trips to Home Depot begin.. J/K, I'm so happy for you guys and I can't wait to see the place.


P.S. That chalk board road sounds awesome!

The Arnold Family said...

I wish we were there to help!!

Anonymous said...

WOW sounds like a lot of work........but worth it be be a home buyer right!!!! You all are super stars for scraping your own ceilings we tried in the kitchen decided it was for the birds (and you know how I feel about birds) and ended up hiring someone. Congrats again....and hope all is well. Lindsay

maria said...

How exciting! Good thing you and Cliff are so handy.
Moving cacti:
They are easy to move, their roots are shallow. Get work gloves on and a long sleeve shirt (better yet, a jacket). Use a spade shovel to dig them up or split them. Use the shovel to throw them into a wheel barrel and then they can be moved. Or, throw them onto a sheet and drag them.