Monday, January 26, 2009

The Weekend Reveiw

This weekend in my mind was slow as far as the house goes. The really anal side of me wants us to work on it 24/7 but the reality is we do have other things going on in our lives. Friday night we worked for several hours we finished painting the ceilings in the two little bedrooms and the doors. It is amazing what a little paint can do to a place. We then came home and played Rock Band with B. Saturday we got up early headed to the house Cliff fixed the heater. Yahoo we have a heater now which we needed last night while working it was chilly here. Then we had a concrete layer come in to give us a quote on the flooring in two rooms. Holy Crap that is going to be so expensive. Then we went to Zacks soccer game which by the way he played almost half the game then he got sidetracked by a mud hole and he was pretty much done. It was really awesome though and we are proud. We then took the kids to lunch then came home for a little while had a meeting with our financial person then called it a day. Sunday we went to church then worked hanging plastic in the main part of the house and then we came home for a little while then went back to church for a class by Dave Ramsey that is called Financial Peace University. We are super excited about it. Hopefully we will be debt free in ten years including our newly purchased house we will let you know how it goes. Then we went back to the house and we textured ceilings till we ran our of texture. So yes a very full weekend. So here I sit today with my little buddy curled up on the couch at 11:30 sound asleep, he was up an ungodly time, I am blogging and about to finish the second book in the Twilight series. We just need a day:)

PS I have about 80 pics of Zack soccer game but I am to lazy to go get my camera and upload them but by the weeks end I will post them.......

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