Saturday, April 11, 2009

One of my many projects

There are so many things that need to be done at my house. That I am in this state of being totally overwhelmed. I am not sure what I would have done had both my moms, grandmother, and in laws not come to help me right after my dad died. We combined two house holds in a matter of like two weeks. It has been insane. There are boxes to be gone through, garage sale stuff to be sold and that is not to mention just the every day stuff that I have totally neglected. But today has been very successful.

After my father died a friend asked me what would I thought would most honor my family and my dad. Flowers or plants or donate money somewhere. I was not real sure at the time so I decided that a plant would be great. I have never really been into plants but my dad and my grandfather were big into the whole green house, vegetables growing, flower thing. So since I am after all a Madison I decided that my goal was to keep all the lovely plants we got at the funeral alive and well. So today the boy and I made a trip to Wally World and found several pots and potting soil and this is what we came up with.



These are old tin containers that I got while on a trip with my mother and father in law many years ago in Buffalo. I was never real sure what they were going to be used for but this morning while in the shower it clicked. I bought a couple plastic pots that fit perfectly into the bottom of these. They have their own water catch so there won't be anymore rusting in the buckets. It was perfect.

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This is the ledge at the entry way to our Condo. It is perfect for my antique kitchen gadgets that my mother in law gave me straight out of her own kitchen. She loves me what can I say:)
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