Friday, April 10, 2009


When I got to Carlsabad and started making plans for my dads funeral the pastor said that I should think about whether or not I wanted to say something. I decided to write the following down and then told him that I would attempt to speak if I could during the Eulogy part. I wanted to share it those of you who were not able to make it to the funeral.

Thank you all for coming. I knew I wanted to say something to yall but knew I could not just stand up here and talk without crying. So I decided to write my thoughts down, read them word for word and not make eye contact with yall. So here goes.....

I want to share the many miracles Gos has given to my family over the last year. Last March on the 1th Cliff and I gathered our friends and family in Buffalo to celebrate the adoption of our little miracle baby Zack.

All our parents came including my dad and Carla. The night before they were to arrive my dad called to let us know that Carla wasn't feeling well and they may not be able to make it. Miracle #1 her Dr. released her to come to Buffalo.

So they got to Buffalo with no immediate plans. They came to the house and started making to find a hotel for the night. They online and booked they first hotel they came upon in Niagara Falls, Canada. That night he called and said you will never believe this room we got it has the best view. You guys should come to tomorrow to see this place. now at this point i have lived in Buffalo seven years, gone to Niagara Falls a ton of times but never to the hotels. So I thought what's the big deal. So the next day we loaded up headed to the falls to see the hotel he was talking about and holy crap it is the best one on the strip. Then he tells us that when they got there to check in and he told the people why they were in town, for the adoption of his grandson, they asked him if it was ok that they up grade his room. Of course he instantly bonded with the people as only my dad could do. So they got their keys and headed to the elevator and when they got on the elevator operator asked what floor and room and my told him and they guy said wow well I don't know who you are but this room is reserved for famous people.

Don't you know my dad beaming ear to ear once he heard that. He then made arrangements to show off his hotel and the room. We all reaped the benefits of his out going personality that cold March day in Buffalo. Because we had the most spectacular view of the falls, we were inside, warm, and cozy with our coffee.

That was miracle #2 A the time we didn't know this would be his last vacation with Carla and a week later she was diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 cancer. We didn't know but God did.

A few days later I begrudgingly dragged my feet to the mall with my family, Carla and my dad to have our pictures taken. Miracle #3. These are the pictures that are up here in front. Thank you Lord Carla had us do that it would be our only opportunity for family pictures. We didn't know but God did.

Several days after they returned to Vegas Carla and my dad got the word she has pancreatic cancer and I got out to fly out to Vegas and spend ten day with them. After I got home I felt God nudging me to move to Vegas and two months or maybe even less Cliff was offered two jobs ever the phone. Miracle #4...

In November my dad and I had the chance to go on a road trip to Las Cruces to celebrate my best friend from high schools birthday and my dad spent the weekend with us. These were girls that practically lived at our house when we were young. He got to meet their families and have 20 hours of quality time with me in the care. Priceless Miracle #5.

Miracle #6 and the final thing I will share is this past Christmas Morning. I knew spending Christmas with my dad this year was a must so I orchestrated this plan for us all to come here to Carlsbad. Can I tell you it was the biggest miracle of all. At one point I looked around the room and there was peace amongst every one of my family members. My brothers and their families, my Liz mom, my dad. Cliff and I and Zack were together. For me personally it was a blissful moment. We has breakfast together, played and wrestled with the kids. My dad chilled with my brothers. It was fabulous.

I wanted to share with you these Six huge miracles because to be honest this year has SUCKED on a lot of levels but we serve a God that crates miracles everyday and we can get really caught up in the whys of the world and miss out on what God has given us. I am so sad that my dad is gone. I don't understand why this happened but instead of asking questions I can't get the answers to this side of heaven I am going to praise God for the time and memories of my dad that were created over this last year

1 comment:

Molly Betsy @ Star Cottage said...

Oh Deidra, I love you. I am crying while reading your blog. You are such an awesome Gal. And your life is such a testimony to others. I am so glad to know you. I am also glad you have the courage to tell it like it is and share your faith and life with others, no matter what you might be going through, you always manage to keep it real.
God Bless You Girl!