Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Last Sunday I took the day off from life and went to Wickenburg to see my best friend from Jr. High. Actually truth be told we are more like sisters. Our lives were paralleled in so many ways good and bad that we were instant buddies. She lived with us on and off when we were young and over the last ten years our lives have taken us in different directions, but God is amazing and he brought us back together. I have a feeling that we will be seeing a lot of each other in the days to come and I can't wait. It is amazing sometimes I wonder how I ended up in Buffalo? What my point is here and this is one of Gods little gifts to me lately. Nothing like getting a sister back. We shopped and hung out just the two of us for six hours of uninterrupted fun. I love you Ang see you again soon.

I suck at getting pictures of two people when you have hold the camera, that is hard. No we aren't high just laughing so freaking hard.



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Molly Betsy @ Star Cottage said...

So happy you got to reconnect with an old friend. It's funny cause my friend Cadence just blogged about the same exact thing today. She also reconnected with a friend. Wild. God is so awesome to bring people into our lives @ just the right time. Hope you have a blast catching up.

Anonymous said...

Awww she is Beautiful!