I know that my blog is probably not the appropriate place for people to read this but I am not sure if I have contacted everyone from this blog but I wanted to let you all know that my father passed away this week. Yes I know it is a shock it is to all of us as well. We are trying to process the last few days. Our plan is to take him to Carlabad, NM and have a memorial service then take a hike up to the Guadalupe Mountains where I grew up hiking with my dad. As I make more plans I will let you all know what they are.
Luckily Zack is too young to understand what the problem is but he definatly is clingy and seems to be pushing the limits more. Ok probably not any more than usual I am just less patient:) Cliff and I are holding up as well as can be suspected I guess. It is hard to know if we are really ok or just going through the motions. Time will tell. We were talking last night that we do feel a weird peace. I mean don't get me wrong we are sad but not anxious. Both of my moms, my grandmother and my sister are and have been helping with the kids cooking meals helping try to stay up with laundry and such. It is a blessing and so many ways. We have met with lawyers and funeral directors and feel like we have considering the circumstances we have accomplished a lot.
Please pray for us and the rest of my extended family that is not here with us ( my brothers too). Ok I am being summoned to a meal. They are a pain with the whole food thing but that is a ok. They are just taking care of me. I love you all very much and I appreciate your prayers in advance and I apologize if you are finding out about this for the first time here. We are trying to keep everyone updated but can't remember everyone sorry.
oh my Deidra, you, Cliff, Zach and the whole family are in my prayers.
Oh my Word, Deidra. I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through right now. If you need to talk, call me. I will e-mail you my cell phone number. We are praying for you.
Geez. I'm so sorry Dee. I don't know that I know how to be of much comfort except to say that I am so so sorry. You're in my thoughts. Please let me know what I can do for you. Our home is always open if you guys need a break for a few days, after things settle down.
Love you.
Hi Deidra,
I, am so sorry for your loss.
My, tought's + Prayer's are with you Cliff, Zackary, + your
family. Hope, everything is ok.
We, love you.
Love, + Prayer's,
Barb, and Roger
Sorry friend. Praying for you all.
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