Friday, April 16, 2010

My blog is getting back into action........

A friend of mine told me about a website called it is fabulous. They will print your blog in order including pictures and comments. I ordered my 2007 blog a couple weeks ago and it got here in perfect timing for my birthday. I LOVE IT. I seriously just cried because I don't do the whole scrap booking thing so Zacky doesn't have a baby book. Well I have decided this is way better. Its like my journal to him. So I will definitely be getting back into blogging on a regular basis now that I know they will have meaning to him when he gets older. He liked looking through it last night and seeing that he wore diapers once upon a time.

So with that said I am cleaning up my blog a little posting old stuff that I want on my blog. So it will be somewhat out of order but new stuff coming in the days to come. Yea.......For the internet and books that can be printed at the touch of a button.

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